Process and download ADPs for your notarized apps.

These endpoints require a notarized ADP ID. Get your ADP ID

Download ADP

GET https://api.altstore.io/adps/[Your ADP ID]

Use this endpoint to check the status of an ADP, and optionally download it once it's finished processing.

To download, copy the downloadURL from the response and paste it into a web browser. If there is no downloadURL, your app is still processing and you can check the status under the status key.

Example Request

curl -X GET https://api.altstore.io/adps/[Your ADP ID] 

Process ADP

POST https://api.altstore.io/adps

Use this endpoint if you haven't set up marketplace notifications, or if you don't want to wait for our servers to process your app automatically. You must include your ADP ID in the JSON request body under the adpID key.

After it finishes processing, you can use the Download ADP endpoint above to download it.

Example Request

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST \
  --data '{ "adpID": "[Your ADP ID]" }' \

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